Paws for the Homeless
Since 2015 Animal Medical Clinic of Chesapeake has partnered with Blankets for the Homeless to help the many homeless people who struggle to care for their pets. Very often these pets are their major source of unconditional love and support. As pet lovers, we all understand how important the human-animal bond is. For the homeless population, their pets can be even more important, as they often also provide a true 'healing touch' for those who have already had much loss in their lives.
Blankets for the Homeless was founded by Mariah when she was just 17 and saw the gratitude in a shivering man's face when she gave him a blanket on a cold winter's day. She saw the need and realized that she could make a difference in the world. To learn more about our work with Mariah and Blankets for the Homeless Hampton Roads - 
Throughout the year, as needs arise, we work with Blankets for the Homeless, along with additional outreach organizations that aid the Homeless population. And each Christmas season, we have our 'Pet Angel Tree' - decorated with tags that list suggested supplies that can be tremendously helpful for our homeless neighbors with pets. We will be relying entirely on the generosity of donations from caring animal lovers. We also accept monetary donations on behalf of Blankets for the Homeless to help them with the expenses of healthcare, surgery, medications, gas cards, and vaccinations.
Thank you for all the ways you show your love of animals!
~ Sincerely, the Animal Medical team