Dental Pop Quiz
Dental Hygiene can add 2 - 4 years to the life of your pet. 70 % of cats have dental disease by the time they are 3 years old. 80 % of dogs have dental disease by the time they are 3 years old. List at least 3 reasons why small dogs are more likely than large dog breeds to have periodontal disease: More crowding More abnormal bites Larger breeds usually enjoy chewing more Larger breeds are more likely to be fed a dry dog food only Puppies have 28 temporary teeth - beginning at 2 - 3 weeks of age. Dogs have 42 permanent teeth - by the time they are 6 months old. Kittens have 26 temporary teeth - beginning at 2 - 3 weeks of age. Cats have 30 permanent teeth - by the time they are 6 months old. What is the most common disease of adult dogs and cats? Periodontal disease. Survey says? 9 out of 10 clients wanted their veterinarians to recommend the best medical, surgical and dietary care for their pets, regardless of cost. Survey says? Only 7 % declined dental care due to cost. The # 1 cause of heart disease in the dog is now said to be dirty teeth. Periodontal disease in the pet has been linked to human eye infections resulting from the pet's saliva coming in contact with your eyes, most often from rubbing your eyes after touching the pet's mouth or the pet licking you in the face. The first sign of dental disease is: Halitosis (bad breath). Human life expectancy increased 20 years once people started brushing their teeth on a regular basis. Plaque is a colorless film of bacteria, proteins, sugars, pus, minerals, & water and forms continuously. Within 3 - 4 days Plaque begins to harden and calcify into Tartar. Periodontal disease is when pockets of infection form under the gumline (gums become red and swollen). Ignoring dental care can lead to: Bad breath Swollen, bleeding, & painful gums Loose teeth & tooth loss Difficulty eating Kidney, Liver & Heart damage Pregnant women with periodontal disease are 7 times more likely to have a premature or low birth-weight baby. Dental exams should be performed every 6 months once the pet reaches 7 years of age (along with semi-annual physicals) Dogs at highest risk for Periodontal Disease: small breeds, short-nosed breeds, Cockers, Beagles, & Greyhounds.